
Business Valuation in Divorce Proceedings – Receiving a Fair Share

Business Valuation in Divorce Proceedings – Receiving a Fair Share

Even in the best of circumstances, estimating the value of a shareholding can be difficult, but doing so in the context of a retroactive market can be particularly onerous. Companies established or acquired during a marriage are regarded as matrimonial property in Scotland. Experts will attempt to determine the company’s value at the “relevant date,”…

Do I have to pay half of my partner’s hidden credit card debt? 

Do I have to pay half of my partner’s hidden credit card debt? 

There are many unpleasant surprises associated with the dissolution of a marriage or civil partnership. This holds true for all facets of your relationship, including your financial situation. Secret credit card debts can all too frequently be the cause of a lot of grief and distress when assets and liabilities are disclosed with the intention…

The Scottish law commission and their recommendations on cohabitation law 

The Scottish law commission and their recommendations on cohabitation law 

The Scottish Law Commission (“the SLC”) yesterday released its highly anticipated—at least among lawyers—Report on Cohabitation law. As was to be expected, the report suggests some very significant changes to the law governing cohabitants’ separation claims. Some of such suggestions are highlighted in this article. Definition of cohabitant The Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 (referred…

A guide to the guardianship procedure and how it may impact you

A guide to the guardianship procedure and how it may impact you

What does guardianship entail, and what am I required to do? Do you understand what it means to become a guardian? You may have heard the terms ‘Guardianship’ and ‘Guardian’ without understanding the actual meaning. This article addresses the guardianship of individuals, sometimes known as adults with incapacity. Here, we will explore what becoming a guardian…